819-822-9600, ext. 2260 gallery@ubishops.ca

September 20th, 2021

Last night I dreamed of a procession of Black people dressed in loose gold and coral dresses. They walked serenely down a sandy river, surrounded by tall leafy trees and conifers. The small group moved in a straight line, marching towards a sunny mountainous horizon, going deeper into the river. After observing them for a moment, I went to meet them and to my surprise, a member of the congregation greeted me. Overwhelmed by their beauty, I asked my interlocutor if the assembly were the children of the goddess Oshun, Orisha of freshwaters who originated from the Yoruba spiritual realm. They nodded, then after a short pause, they said: your soul has been here for a long time.

The appearance of Oshun’s children prompted this post after a momentary absence. This dream was a gentle reminder of the spiritual grounding inherent in water and its timeless memory. Being the point of origin of all beings, water is rich in metaphors and sensory experiences. To explore the flow of divine and terrestrial connections stemming from our hydrosphere, I wanted to share a few poems by visual artist and author Abenakis-Wandat, Christine Sioui Wawanoloath. Christine’s writing straddles space and time, allowing readers to travel across dimensions. In her poems, the past and the present are united metaphysically and spiritually. Water’s soul is unravelled through her lyrical texts, which captivate our imagination and underline the undeniable ancestral connection that we inherited.

Christine generously accepted my invitation to contribute to the exhibition catalogue and offered texts from the collection Dans l’œil du lièvre and unpublished writings.

Here are some excerpts.

Red coral

from a

distant and

warm sea





in time

like a diviner




Once a stream

Today a river

Soon the Sea

Let us leave



These petroglyphs

with serpentine shapes

would they suggest waterways

seen from the sky?



Rain mixed with plants

and peat

Spreads in a woody perfume



[1] Christine Sioui Wawanoloath, excerpt from DANS L’OEIL DU LIÈVRE, published in 2019 ©

[2] Ibid.

[3] Christine Sioui Wawanoloath, unpublished poems, 2020 ©

[4] Ibid.